gsa documents
… file dump zone for the gsa officers for the masses to read =).
general docs
- 2008 ballot: 2008ballot.txt
- bylaws: 2005bylaws.pdf
- constitution: 2005constitution.pdf
officer meeting minutes
- 2008-09-03: 2008-09-03 mtg.doc
- 2008-07-28: 2008-07-28 mtg.doc
- 2009-01-16: 2009-01-16 mtg.pdf
- 2009-02-27: 2009-02-27_mtg.pdf
general committee docs
- 2008-08 committee contact list: 2008-08 committee contacts.xls
- 2007-2008 committee list: 2008committee_list.doc
travel docs
- 2008 Fall Travel Award Announcement: 2008 Fall- GSA Travel Award.pdf
other docs
- 2008-07 grad school info 2008-07 Graduate School Info.doc
- 2008-04-16 alcohol policy draft 2008-04-16 Alcohol Policy-Draft.doc
- 2008 letter to chancellor about parking: 2008gsa_parking_letter.pdf